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LOYAL3 – Buy Stocks for FREE

How to Buy or sell stocks for FREE ? With stock brokers you pay a commission every time you make a trade(buy or sell). With LOYAL3 you pay no fees, so 100% of your purchase goes toward buying stock. LOYAL3 has no hidden fees.


LOYAL3 makes it easy and affordable for everyone to invest in well-known companies or stock IPOs (Initial Public Offerings). It’s a cheap way to get started investing in the stock market.

Accounts are held at LOYAL3 Securities, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC.

Features of LOYAL3

  • Pay no fee – Buy and sell with no fees
  • Buy stocks and IPO’s (selected list of stocks)
  • You can start investing with just $10 – You can purchase fractional shares
  • Trade orders are not handled real-time basis : LOYAL3 uses daily batch/combined order process and executes trades once a day.
  • Since LOYAL3 uses batch trading, it is not designed short-term investors who wishes to time the buy and sell orders with market move.
  • Since LOYAL3 uses batch trading at specific time on a day, share price at the time of execution will likely be higer or lower thatn the share price at the time order was placed.

What is Batch Trading ?

Batch trading is a process in which trade orders from multiple LOYAL3 customers are combined before being placed in the market. Buy orders are batched and executed twice daily, and sell orders are batched and executed once daily. Share price at the time of execution will likely be higer or lower thatn the share price at the time order was placed.

Buy Orders Timings

Batches are made twice each business day – 11:00 am and 2:00 pm ET. All orders received after 2:00 pm ET will be executed after 11:00 am ET the following business day

Sell Orders Timings

Batches are made once each business day – all orders received before 2:00 pm ET will be batched and executed that day, and orders received after 2:00 pm ET will be executed the following business day

Visit LOYAL3 for more information