Are you a Discover Credit Card holder ? Do you know that you can get 5% discount/cashback bonus at Apple Store by simply using your Discover Credit card. Apple Store is one of the 200 top online retailers which allows you to earn 5% to 20% cash back on every purchase linked through Discover’s online shopping portal, ShopDiscover and pay with your Discover Card. This offer is valid for all Discover Credit Cards that offer a rewards program.
This offer will get you 5% cashback when you are planning to buy iPad, iPhone, iPod, iMac, or any apple products. Apple usually don’t give discounts/coupons on its products, so this is a good bargain.. Your Cashback Bonus should be credited to your account within 8 weeks after the order has shipped.
To get this offer, you will need to
- Login to your Discover Account Center
- Click on the ShopDiscover link
- Select Apple Store from the drop down menu.
- Click Start Shopping, a new window will redirect to website
Here is the offer details from ShopDiscover,
Apple Store
Earn 5% Cashback Bonus
Shop the Apple Store for the iPad, iPhone, MacBook Family, iMac, iPod and Apple TV, plus the latest curated accessories for your favorite Apple device. Enjoy free shipping on every order over $50 and earn 5% Cashback Bonus from ShopDiscover when you shop at the Apple Store.
- Offer not valid on The New iPad pre-order sales
- Offer not valid on gift wrap, gift card, gift certificate, iTunes, Apple One to One Membership, Bose products, Apple in-store tutorial services, shipping, taxes, and other service fees
- Offer is not valid in combination with any offers found outside ShopDiscover
- Must link to retailer site from the ShopDiscover Web page found at and use your Discover Card
- Offer is subject to change, including termination, without notice
- Cashback Bonus will only be rewarded to a customer for up to five (5) units per eligible product, except iPhone, in which case reward will only be issued for up to two (2) units within a 30-day period.
- The promotional Cashback Bonus will be applied to your account within 8 weeks after the order has shipped
So, if you are in the market or planning to shop an iPad, iPhone, iPod, iMac, or any apple products, log on to your Discover credit Card account, click on Apple Store through ShopDiscover online shopping portal and you will be on your way to receiving 5% back from Discover.
Visit here to see list of retailers who offers discount when you use discover card.