A credit score is one of the most important components of a consumer’s financial profile, so it’s always good to check your credit score. While some companies charge you a fee to check your score, others offer free versions. Here are the websites where you could get your score and report for no charge.
Free Credit Score
CreditKarma.com: Receive your free credit score from the credit bureaus. You can get free credit score with no hidden costs or obligations. Credit card is required to signup. This service allows you to track your credit file and stay informed. Sign up for an account to get started, it’s free. http://www.creditkarma.com
CreditSesame.com: Credit Sesame gives you a free credit score from Experian. No credit card or memberships needed. Get your credit score for free every month. Sign up for an account to get started, it’s free. http://www.creditsesame.com
Quizzle.com: Get free Experian credit report and accompanying score from Quizzle. You’ll also get other free tools(Budget Planner,Credit Improvement Tools, Home Value Estimator, Home Loan Recommendations, etc) and advice from Quizzle. You don’t need to provide your Social Security or credit card numbers, you will have to answer some questions to verify your identity. To get started, you must create a free account. https://www.quizzle.com/
Free Credit Score Range
Equifax Credit Score Card: Register with Equifax Credit Score Card to receive your free Credit Score Card (find out your credit score range from Equifax). No credit card or trial sign-up required. You will be able to access your Credit Score Card in your secure Equifax Member Center for 30 days. Sign up for Equifax Credit Score Card to get your Credit Score Card.
Free Credit report
AnnualCreditReport.com: Request your free annual credit report from the major credit bureaus for free once a year(free copy your credit report every 12 months) at annualcreditreport.com. annualcreditreport.com will offer you free report not the credit score, so you might have to pay for the scores separately from the credit bureaus. https://www.annualcreditreport.com/
Links to 3 Major credit bureaus
Equifax: www.Equifax.com
Experian: www.Experian:.com
TransUnion: www.TransUnion:.com